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Religious Studies

We are currently redesigning our curriculum implementation documents. Links to previous implementation documents that contain OLD KS3 and current KS4 are still available. KS4 will be updated shortly.



This course encourages candidates to develop their understanding of different religions and no religion, with a focus on Hinduism and Christianity predominantly. The curriculum highlights beliefs and practices as well as the impact various beliefs have had on modern day issues in the world, whilst questioning the need for religion in the 21st Century. Religious Studies ultimately allows students to develop empathy, critical analysis and evaluative skills, these skills help to empower pupils in a multicultural and diverse world. The GCSE course offered to pupils at BBG follows the Eduqas Route A specification.

Students in Y9, Y10 & Y11 receive their entitlement to the Religious Studies curriculum in line with the locally agreed syllabus through the form time curriculum and in the assembly program.

Right to Withdraw:

In the UK, parents have the right to withdraw their children from RE on the grounds that they wish to make their own provision. This alternative will be the parents’ responsibility. This right of withdrawal exists for all pupils in all types of school, including schools with and without a religious designation. Parents also have the right to withdraw their child from part of RE and can do so without giving any explanation.

If you would like to withdraw your child from RE, it would be useful for parents to notify the Principal in the first instance for a brief discussion in order to ensure that any requests to withdraw can be met promptly.

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